Kudo Yume – Takokan

Kudo Yume’s 1st photobook has been released today. Since she is my current oshi I can’t let the release go by without mentioning this. So it’s a welcome(?) return to that old staple the DVD review.

The DVD starts off at a deep sea aquarium. I mean this is Takochan. Of course it does.

Yume has a look at the sea creatures and then the cafe. Well looking at all that food swimming around behind her probably gave her an appetite.

After this there’s some Alice in Wonderland style posing.

Then it’s onto the next outfit. Yume is super flexible when it comes to styles. Just look at her performances in Juice-Juice. She seems as natural doing something cool as something cute. As easily stepping into goofy territory as serious.

I have to say the background visuals in this book really stand out too. The setting here looks so unique.

After the black dress comes a school uniform and a yukata.

After that it’s an indoor shoot in comfy loungewear.

Then it’s onto a swimsuit followed by some chat.

Followed by a white dress outdoors in a really nice looking location.

After which it’s a white bikini and a literal dip in the pool which is funny. Yume’s really honest, heartfelt, heartwarming personality always shines through.

Finally it’s to the beach with a different hairstyle.

I don’t remember seeing any H!P PB since the Alo-Hello days that had as nice a backdrop as this one. Yume herself is of course exceptionally likeable and cute. Her aura shines through so well and it’s great she has this release. I feel she is somehow overlooked in Juice=Juice but she is such a big part of the family feel of that group and is a very solid performer. Add to that her honest, sweet personality and she deserves much love. The DVD lasts 30 minutes and seeing her getting the spotlight to herself was a pleasure. I’d also recommend her birthday DVDs which also let her shine. She is fun to watch perform. Overall I’d say this pb is a great release for her. Such a good setting, her personality is allowed to shine through and the swimsuit/bikini parts are not overbearing or lewd in any way. I hope H!P idols get more releases with these kind of visuals as it really is a big improvement on a lot of recent photobooks.

2 responses to “Kudo Yume – Takokan

    • When the setting is nice it really feels like being on a trip with the idol I always thought that was the point of photobooks. That you spend a day or two in their company. I think I miss the Alo-Hellos too because they also used to do fan club events in Hawaii and it always looked like such an awesome time.I can’t think of Hawaii without thinking of idols now.


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